Friday, September 19, 2014

Effective Stress Management For Project Managers

Sometimes, we get ourselves deeply immersed into our projects that we tend to forget to take care of our health. One secret in a successful productive project management is to ensure a good health. And one way to ensure this is through an effective stress management.

These are 3 simple ways to handle stress:

1. Healthy Diet

It is true that what we is what we eat. If we nourish ourselves with bad food we will also have a bad health which will affect dramatically our performance at work. If you are always sick then for sure you'll spend more days at your bed rather than your desk.

2. Exercise.

It is always said and will always be mentioned that exercise is one of the best way to handle stress. Exercise allows blood to flow into different parts of our, most especially to our brain. So when there's more blood flowing to our brain, the more nutrients it will get. Thus, your brain will be properly nurtured with the right amount of energy that it will need to handle different kinds of problems that you will encounter in your project management tasks.

3. Take a break.

You cannot strain yourself too hard. When you feel like you have enough on a certain task, or may find yourself circling in one problem without finding a solution, get up, take a glass of water or take a a toilet break, take a deep breathe, get some air or whatever you want to do just to free yourself for a minute or two. Being a motivated to get a task done is good but killing yourself is never advised.

Healthy diet, exercise and taking breaks are just few of the stress managements that you can have. Always remember that you're capital in every work is yourself and one can only function to their fullest when they are healthy.

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