Friday, September 12, 2014

Tips in Buying A Laptop

A laptop is one of the most important tools one should have in an effective project management. Thus, a careful process in selecting the perfect laptop that will suit your need is very crucial.

I just bought my laptop and end up with so many regrets after a week when I realized lots of stuffs that I should have asked before purchase.

It is usual to ask for the processor, the ram, the memory, the video card and other hardware stuffs. But some of the most important questions to ask are:

  1. Is Microsoft Office activated?
  3. Hardware warranty?
  4. Service warranty?
These are just some important questions you should ask before leaving the counter. You can always come back at the store to get some fixed when problems arise but you'll also save much time if you asked these questions before going home, excited to open your new purchase. After all, satisfaction doesn't really rely to the store's quality of service, but to the consumer's ability to make sure they got what they really want.

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